Chanced upon each other at an art gallery and introduced by a mutual friend five years ago, their acquaintance was only rekindled recently. Providing a natural springboard for their collaboration were the mutual appreciation for history, art and design.
The idea to collaborate only came about last year and they started talking about design, their interests and travel sightings. Leaving the jewellery skill and talent to Simone, Jason was interested to see how he could bring something that was architecturally inspired to the table.
Rare gemstones are cut into the shape of a pyramid with no facets and are free of impurities, intense colour and with very good lustre. Each stone represents an idea about the building that has inspired the ring. The ring shank on the other hand reinterprets the architectural essence of the building which boast very fine details that requires extremely intricate setting. Rather than a replica of the physical building, an abstract illustration creates conversational pieces.
Inspired by the interior of the building, a secret compartment is in-built in every ring. Capturing something magnificent into a detailed scale down, techniques beyond engraving are used to give the ring extra dimension without compromising aesthetic features that requires great expertise to perfect.